5 Dating Tricks That Lead to Flirtation Advancement
Parties, social gatherings, New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day: how to deal with existing relationships or those about to form.
During dating, guys need to clarify some important points:
Properly create a flirting atmosphere by learning how to switch roles
Creating a flirting atmosphere at the right time
During the first date, avoid deliberately creating a flirting atmosphere
When it comes to the first date or the beginning of a new relationship, these tips will prevent you from feeling unprepared!
Prepare carefully before the date
Pay attention to your appearance and dress neatly and cleanly. Clothing can be casual without necessarily resorting to famous brands, but it should be of good quality.
Prepare the personal items you will bring with you, such as chewing gum, tissues, an umbrella, portable charger, etc., showing that you are a thoughtful and attentive guy.
Throughout the date, show that you are balanced, attentive and have a sense of humor. The topic of conversation requires good preparation in advance; this is where your true talents will show.
Take the initiative in conversation to prevent her from getting bored
The most feared thing on a date is embarrassment. We are in the multimedia age, where everyone is glued to their smartphones, but make sure you don't duck your head even during the date. If there is a moment of awkwardness, you need to be able to steer the conversation, such as complimenting her earrings and asking where she bought them, thus showing your consideration for her and also your filial side.
Small, unpremeditated gifts
Avoid choosing expensive gifts; rather, opt for small, everyday gifts that can make her happy, such as a toy of her favorite cartoon character, a voucher for her favorite restaurant, or some unique handcrafted items.
Create shared memories
Creating shared memories during the date is an important way to strengthen the bond. You could choose interesting activities or trips to do together, experiencing new things and creating good memories. These shared experiences can deepen your emotional bond, making the relationship stronger.
Create intimacy with physical contact
Physical contact is an important step in developing comfort and intimacy. If you are in a flirtation stage and think you should not touch, then you probably will not become a couple. Therefore, the secret to moving forward in the relationship is to know how and when to make physical contact.
If you want to hold hands, do it openly; if you want to hug her, offer her a nice warm hug. Avoid being inappropriate; when she gets used to your touch, it means she has lowered her defenses against you. At that point, you might try to formalize your relationship.