Are body lubricants harmful to the female body? How are they used correctly?
Dryness, a shadow on couple life
In life, women reached the age of menopause often experience dryness and pain, leading some of them to lose interest in married life, even affecting the couple's relationship. There are also young women far from menopause, however, who experience dryness. Why does this happen?
The main reason is related to estrogen levels. With advancing age, estrogen levels in the female body begin to decline, leading to atrophy of the reproductive channels and glands, resulting in reduced secretions and dryness.
Second, it is related to psychological stress. Strong work pressures, marital problems, can manifest physically, leading to reduced arousal and slower reactions, causing dryness and other discomforts.
Finally, it also depends on the partner. An inexperienced partner or the wrong attitude can affect a woman's psyche and mood, leading to reduced secretions and dryness.People commonly affected by dryness include:
  • Postmenopausal women between the ages of 48-52, with reduced secretion of sex hormones;
  • Lactating women;
  • Women who do not pay attention to personal hygiene and have gynecological diseases;
  • Women with high work and life stress, leading to difficulty in arousal and decreased desire;
  • Women with endocrine imbalances and menstrual disorders.
Lubricants: understanding their benefits
Some women, despite experiencing dryness and pain, affecting normal daily life, hesitate to use lubricants, worried that they may have negative effects on the body. In reality, lubricants are not as "bad" as people think.
Lubricants are common sexual products containing ingredients such as glycerin, sodium hyaluronate, ethyl cellulose, carbomer and are intended to increase lubrication. Currently, lubricants are divided into aqueous, silicone, and oil base. From market surveys, big brand lubricants use food-grade lubricating oils with high safety and not harmful to the body, so they can be used with confidence.
How to use lubricants correctly?
To satisfy both partners, it is important to use lubricants correctly. When you use them, do not apply them directly; first pour an amount the size of a one-euro coin into the palm of your hand, rub it in, and then apply it to the affected area.
When buying lubricants, choose reputable brands and avoid unbranded products. After all, lubricants are applied to sensitive parts of the body; if the quality is poor, they can lead to health risks, such as allergies.
Also, lubricants have an expiration date and should not be used indefinitely. If you find that the lubricant has expired, discard it and do not use it again. Also remember, if you do not have lubricants at home, do not use edible oil, lotion or hand cream as substitutes to avoid infection.
Little known fact: Vaginal dryness can be alleviated with an adequate intake of vitamin B2
Vaginal dryness can be caused by decreased or lost hormone function, leading to a significant reduction in sex hormone levels in the body. However, in young and middle-aged women, it is unlikely to be caused by a marked decrease in sex hormone levels; it could be due to a lack of vitamin B2. Consume foods rich in
vitamin B2, such as dairy products and their derivatives, animal liver and kidney, egg yolk, eel, carrots, mushrooms, seaweed, celery, oranges, and tangerines, may be helpful. If symptoms are severe, you may consider taking vitamin B2 supplements as directed.