Changes in Sexual Arousal During the Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is divided into four phases, and a full menstrual cycle refers to the period from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the beginning of the next, generally about 28 days long. In each phase, there are significant fluctuations in hormones, particularly estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. These hormonal changes lead to changes in emotions, behaviors, desires, energy, etc. But do these changes also affect the level of sexual arousal and desire? The answer is yes.
If we compared the menstrual cycle to a circular bus route and the contents of female sexual fantasies to the landscape along the route, this bus ride would include three sections, each with a different landscape.
Tract One: Follicular Phase
This period is from day 1 to day 13 after the beginning of the cycle, when the egg develops and matures within the follicle. At the beginning of the follicular phase, the inner layer of the uterus detaches, forming the menstrual flow. Thereafter, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in plasma increases, and the ovum develops to maturity. Estrogen levels increase, leading to the thickening of the inner layer of the uterus, the increase of endometrial glands, and the appearance of numerous spiral arteries.
Generally, the contents of women's sexual fantasies are not only specifically sexual, but also romantic and abstract, tending more toward emotions and sensations. However, compared with the other two periods, during the follicular phase, women's sexual fantasies contain the most specifically sexual content and are more oriented toward visual images.
Tract Two: Ovulatory Phase
After the egg has developed and matured, it is released from the follicle and passes from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes, entering the ovulatory phase, which occurs approximately between days 13 and 15 of the menstrual cycle. At this time, FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels peak, and the inner layer of the uterus continues to thicken.
This can be considered the period of greatest variation in sexual fantasies in the female menstrual cycle. With the arrival of the ovulatory phase, the frequency of sexual fantasies in the women tested peaks an average of 1.3 times a day, and arousal becomes easier. In addition, the number of men present in their fantasies increases. However, surprisingly, at this stage, the sexual contents of the fantasies are not the main focus of their interest, but rather the emotions and sensations contained therein.
Trait Three: Luteal Phase
With the release of the egg, the ovary enters the luteal phase, which continues until the arrival of the next menstrual cycle, approximately from day 16 to day 28 of the cycle. This period is characterized by a significant increase in progesterone levels in the blood, and the inner layer of the uterus continues to thicken, reaching its maximum thickness. The inner layer stores numerous glycogen granules, mucous gland activity increases, and the small spiral arteries become more convoluted. All these changes prepare the ground for implantation of the fertilized egg.
At this stage of the menstrual cycle, the frequency of female sexual fantasies is at its lowest point, and the number of men present in their fantasies is the least. When they look at images of people of different sexes and ages, their gaze does not linger longer on men. However, this does not mean that during this
period they lose interest in men, as subjective classification of sexual preference shows that their evaluation of men increases, particularly for strong and mature-looking men.
At different periods of the physiological cycle, enjoy different types of pleasure, regardless of how or when you experience sexual desire, it will be a unique experience.